Typescript React Grid Areas

December 17, 2020

A Reusable Component Design Pattern for CSS Grid Areas in Typescript React.

While working on JTX I've started to design for mobile-first. CSS Grid Layout has been on my to-learn list for a long time. While learning more about Grid Layout I learned about this neat feature (CSS property) called grid-template-areas

Naturally, I wanted to make this into a React reusable component with Typescript Enums I could lock down styling to specific use cases.

These components use Tailwind for styling, but the Typescript enums that define which style to use could easily be switched out.

We can also enable grid area names in Chrome Devtools

The Code

I will first show us using the components and the next section shows the actual components

import React from "react";
import PageLayout from "../components/PageLayout";
import SearchFilters from "../components/SearchFilters";
import { Grid, GridSection, GridType } from "../components/Grid";

interface SearchResultsProps {}
enum GridArea {
  Sidebar = "search-sidebar",
  Results = "search-results",

const SearchResults: React.FC<SearchResultsProps> = (props) => {
  return (
    <PageLayout id="search">
        areas={[GridArea.Sidebar, GridArea.Results]}
          className="w-auto md:w-64"
          <SearchFilters />
          <Grid type={GridType.SingleColumn}>
            {data.searchResuls.nodes.map((result, idx) => (
              <div key={idx}>result.name</div>
import React from "react";

 * These are the various ways we want to use out grid
 * @enum {string}
 * */
export enum GridType {
  Auto = "grid-flow-row md:grid-flow-col auto-cols-max",
  SingleColumn = "grid-flow-row auto-cols-max",
  ThreeColumn = "grid-cols-3 gap-4",

interface GridProps {
  type?: GridType;
  gridTemplateAreas?: string;
  className?: string;
  areas?: Array<string>;

interface GridStyles {
  gridTemplateAreas?: string;

 * Our universal grid component
 * The areas props allows us to use named grid areas
export const Grid: React.FC<GridProps> = (props) => {
  const type = props.type ? props.type : GridType.Auto;
  const className = `grid ${type} ${props.className ? props.className : ""}`;
  const styles: GridStyles = {};

  if (props.areas) {
    styles.gridTemplateAreas = "";
      (area) =>
        (styles.gridTemplateAreas = `${styles.gridTemplateAreas} '${area}'`)
  return (
    <div className={className} style={styles}>

 * Our universal grid section component
 * The area prop allows us to specify the grid area name
export interface GridSectionProps {
  id?: string;
  className: string;
  area: string;

export const GridSection: React.FC<GridSectionProps> = (props) => (
    style={{ gridArea: `${props.area}` }}

export default Grid;

Hope you enjoyed!