Apollo Cache Overview

January 2, 2021

What is the Apollo cache, ensure correct usage and update post mutation.

If your using Apollo GraphQL and you've not yet looked at the Apollo Cache object in your app I would highly recommend getting familiar with it. As you may not be getting the benefits of caching as you thought, which I didn't catch until working with Graphql Mutations.

In this post, we will cover a few aspects of the Apollo cache.


In this case, while working on JTX I was trying to show a list of user parts, then creating a new used part which should then be reflected in the React frontend.

After taking a look at your GraphQL cache you might find things are not being cached, this is because you need to explicitly request ids for every object and in your mocks you will need to remember to apply the


When testing Mutations modifying the cache or what the cache should look like during testing it's best to extract the cache in testing and compare with the cache in your application.

GraphQL Caching

This article by Khalil Stemmler on the official Apollo Blog goes much more in-depth into how the Apollo GraphQL cache works by implementing cache normalization.

An Apollo cache is simply an object!

Unique Identities

Each of the keys is the GraphQL cache is

+ the
(uuid in this case) this is the object's Unique Identifier in your cache.

  "Part:97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4": {
    "id": "97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4",
    "__typename": "Part",
    "category": "GPU",
    "name": "EVGA NVIDIA 3090 RTX 24GB",
    "slug": "evga-nvidia-3090-rtx-24gb"

Accessing the Apollo Cache

Throughout your app, you can access the cache object you initially passed into your Apollo client. This can be at any point extracted and be inspected.

import { client, cache } from "../utils/apollo";



Testing the Cache

Here we can demonstrate using running a snapshot on the extracted snapshot. We could do all sorts of additional assertions but more than anything the snapshot gives us a quick visual inspection and then again on any git commits.

describe("ViewerPartsRoute", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    cache = new InMemoryCache();
    page = render(
      <MockedProvider mocks={graphqlMocks} cache={cache} addTypename={true}>
        <ViewerContext.Provider value={Viewer}>
          <ViewerOwnedPartsPage />
  it("should query with cache", () => {
    await waitFor(async () => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0));

      "cache should have a viewer parts query"

Custom Cache Key

In some cases we would rather not cache based on a unique ID, In my case, we build the Next app in CI so that each statically rendered page (like a part category page) contains a hot cache for that page. Since we do this with a fresh database rather than putting a load on the production database, this leads to different cache keys (uuids) on the statically generated page vs when the client makes a query.

Luckily we store another unique key in our database which is the Part slug that we use in our urls!

import { InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client";
new InMemoryCache({
  typePolicies: {
    Part: {
      keyFields: ["slug"],

Now our cached part looks like this

  "Part:{\"slug\": \"evga-nvidia-3090-rtx-24gb\"}": {
    "id": "97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4",
    "__typename": "Part",
    "category": "GPU",
    "name": "EVGA NVIDIA 3090 RTX 24GB",
    "slug": "evga-nvidia-3090-rtx-24gb"

Cache Access in Mutations

Mutations when creating or deleting nodes don't automatically update the cache and thus you can specify an update function on the Mutation options. We cover this more further down

const update = (cache, { data: { createOwnedPart } }) => {
  console.log("EXISTING CACHE", JSON.stringify(cache.extract()));

A more fleshed out Cache example

In our case the Viewer object is always based on the JWT token found in the GraphQL requests header, we can see that the viewer object on the

points to the key
which then has a few other objects on it. Notice the viewer query it actually pointing to a GraphQL User:uuid object.

  "User:e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b": {
    "id": "e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b",
    "__typename": "User",
    "systemsByOwnerId": {
      "__typename": "SystemsConnection",
      "nodes": [
          "__ref": "System:8dd2bcf4-d722-4d10-9aa5-14300ec86186"
    "ROOT_QUERY": {
      "__typename": "Query",
      "viewer": {
        "__ref": "User:e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b"

We can see a more full interconnected cache here.

  "System:8dd2bcf4-d722-4d10-9aa5-14300ec86186": {
    "id": "8dd2bcf4-d722-4d10-9aa5-14300ec86186",
    "__typename": "System",
    "name": "Test User's Backup System"
  "User:e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b": {
    "id": "e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b",
    "__typename": "User",
    "systemsByOwnerId": {
      "__typename": "SystemsConnection",
      "nodes": [
          "__ref": "System:8dd2bcf4-d722-4d10-9aa5-14300ec86186"
    "ownedPartsByOwnerId": {
      "__typename": "OwnedPartsConnection",
      "nodes": [
          "__ref": "OwnedPart:39a336d6-188f-4589-8d31-fa0455b47be1"
    "__typename": "Query",
    "viewer": {
      "__ref": "User:e1e5989c-37f5-42e8-85d1-06ea6de5f29b"
  "Part:97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4": {
    "id": "97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4",
    "__typename": "Part",
    "category": "CPU",
    "name": "Intel Pentium G3470",
    "slug": "intel-pentium-g3470"
  "OwnedPart:39a336d6-188f-4589-8d31-fa0455b47be1": {
    "id": "39a336d6-188f-4589-8d31-fa0455b47be1",
    "__typename": "OwnedPart",
    "partByPartId": {
      "__ref": "Part:97cfac8a-a4b4-48d0-ba12-901cf474e7e4"
    "systemBySystemId": null

In this way, we end up only ever keeping one copy of the actual object around and every other GraphQL node in the cache references that cache key. This stops bloat but also means any components that are using that object automatically update if we need to make a Mutation.

Updating Cache after Mutation

Mutating a node that already exists in the cache will automatically update it.

Adding a new node to our viewer's OwnedPartConnection is a little trickier. This means the new part is in our cache but doesn't show up on the page because the original Viewer Part Connection on our Viewer part Query in our Cache hasn't been updated.

To Demonstrate courtesy of JTX.

PS. apologies for the scaling of the video feel free to zoom in for now!

Demonstrating the Mutation Updating the Apollo Cache

We can see the cache has a few items,

  • one of which is the Viewer/User which contains our OwnedParts connection which has two objects in it,
  • once we perform our part search those are then loaded into the cache.
  • After performing the mutation the cached viewer Owned Part connection should have three items in it
  • a new card should appear in the frontend
const update = (cache, { data: { createOwnedPart } }) => {
  // First we find the original query we made in the cache.
  const data = cache.readQuery<ViewerPartsQuery>({
    query: ViewerPartsDocument,

  // From that we can get the reference of the viewer in the cache
  const viewerRef = cache.identify({
    __typename: "User",
    id: data.viewer.id,

  // The mutation already added the new viewer part
  //let's get a reference to the new viewer part.
  const newViewerPartRef = cache.identify(createOwnedPart.ownedPart);

  // we update the viewer object in our cache
  // on ownedPartsByOwnerId nodes  field we include the new viewer part refrence.
    id: viewerRef,
    fields: {
      ownedPartsByOwnerId: (existingCommentRefs) => ({
        nodes: [...existingCommentRefs.nodes, { __ref: newViewerPartRef }],

Other Parts of the Apollo Cache not covered here.