Exploring Local GPT Models: A Comparison of GPT-4 and Mistral 7B on WasmEdge

November 22, 2023

Comparing GPT-4 and (local) Mistral 7B: An comparison of their performance using WasmEdge for local GPT model execution.

I've been on the hunt for running GPT's locally for a bit and played around in the maze of Hugging Face models for awhile now.

Second State's Mistral 7B instruct v0.1 crossed my radar and with it using WasmEdge it's effortless to get running.

The example provided on their post has the user ask "What is the capital of France" so after getting it set up I instead asked

What is the capital of Texas?

The capital of Texas is Austin.


This took about 3 seconds, the hardware used was.

I didn't see a much GPU ussage and it seemed WasmEdge was only using around 4 cores.

Testing a bigger question with code

One of my todos for awhile has been automating opening tmux with all the commands I use to monitor my hardware during these sort of tests.

The prompt

I need a shell script that opens up tmux with one large vertical window running htop on the left and two horizontal windows on the right each running an echo command I will replace.

  • GPT4 took around 30 seconds
  • Mistral took about 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

GPT4 Response

To create a shell script that opens tmux with a specific layout, you'll want to use tmux commands to split the window and run the desired commands in each pane. Here's a basic script that should achieve what you're looking for:


# Start a new tmux session
tmux new-session -d -s my_session

# Split the window vertically, 30% width for the left pane
tmux split-window -h -p 70

# Split the right pane horizontally
tmux split-window -v

# Select the left pane and run htop
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys 'htop' C-m

# Select the first right pane (top right)
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux send-keys 'echo Replace this command with your desired command' C-m

# Select the second right pane (bottom right)
tmux select-pane -t 2
tmux send-keys 'echo Replace this with another command' C-m

# Attach to the tmux session
tmux attach-session -t my_session

Here's a breakdown of what this script does:

  1. Creates a new tmux session named
  2. Splits the window vertically with 30% of the width allocated to the left pane (where
    will run).
  3. Splits the right pane horizontally into two equal parts.
  4. Selects the left pane and runs
  5. Selects the top right pane and runs an
    command (you can replace this with your desired command).
  6. Selects the bottom right pane and runs another
    command (also replaceable).
  7. Attaches to the tmux session so you can interact with it.

To use this script:

  1. Save it to a file, for example,
  2. Make the script executable:
    chmod +x tmux_setup.sh
  3. Run the script:

Remember to replace the
commands with your own commands as needed.

Mistral 7b instruct v0.1

[USER]: I need a shell script that opens up tmux with one large vertical window running htop on the left and two horizontal windows on the right each running an echo command I will replace.

[ASSISTANT]: Here is a shell script that will open up tmux with one large vertical window running htop on the left and two horizontal windows on the right each running an echo command:


# Open tmux
tmux new -s my-session

# Set the window layout
tmux set-window-layout 100% 50% 50%

# Start htop in the left window
tmux send -t 1 "htop"

# Start echo commands in the right windows
tmux send -t 2 "echo Hello, world!"
tmux send -t 3 "echo This is a test."

To use this script, save it to a file (e.g.

) and make it executable with the command
chmod +x start_tmux.sh
. Then, you can run the script with the command
. This will open tmux with the specified window layout and start the specified commands in the windows.